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【英语口语】 2016-03-20本文已影响
知道72的英文怎么说吗?快和小编一起来看看吧。?  72的英文?  seventy-two;?  72的英文双语例句?  1. 72,000 pairs of hands clapped in unison to the song.?  72,000双手和着歌曲整齐划一地打着拍子。?  2. Muster needed just 72 minutes to win the one-sided match, 6-2, 6-3.?  穆斯特尔仅用72分钟便以6比2、6比3拿下了这场实力悬殊的比赛。?  3. The two big companies control 72% of the market.?  两大公司控制了72%的市场份额。?  4. He passed on at the age of 72.?  他72岁去世。?  5. The newspaper has sales of 1.72 million.?  该报纸有172万份的销量。?  6. They gave the number as 72.?  他们得到的数字是72.?  7. A 72-hour week, 12 hours a day, six days a week, take it or leave it.?  一星期6天,一天12小时,总共72小时,愿不愿意随你的便。?  8. The result is in agreement with that discussed in paragraph 72.?  此结果与72段中讨论的是一致的.?  9. This figure increases to 72 percent during summer vacation.?  到了暑假,这个数字上升到72%.?  10. Par for the course is 72.?  该球场规定的标准杆数是72.?  11. We got up to page 72 last lesson.?  上一课我们学到第72页.?  12. Figure 72 shows schematically one possible situation.?  图72示意地表明一种可能的情况.?  13. Silicon is a hard, brittle material registering 72.6 on the Rockwell " A " hardness scale.?  硅是硬而脆的材料,根据Rockwell “ A” ” 硬度分度测值为72.6.?  14. Yes. It covers an area of 1.72 ( one point seventy - two ) square kilometers.?  是的,全厂占地 1.72 平方公里.?  15. Do you sell hubcaps for a '72 Pinto hatchback??  你们卖有尾窗的斑马牌汽车的轮毂罩 吗 ?

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